Patterns are techniques used to approach solving a common programming problem. They are object-oriented, but language independent. The Decorator pattern is a very useful pattern, but not one that gets a lot of attention. The "Gang of Four" book (by Gamma, Helm, see below) defines the purpose of this pattern as:
Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically. Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality.A decorator class adds a new capability to an existing object by impersonating the original object and intercepting methods calls to it. By intercepting it can modify the normal result that the original method call would have. To impersonate the original, both the original class and the decorator class must implement the same interface.

Typically, the decorator object's methods will perform some additional operation and also call the original object's method. This enhances the result of the original operation in some way.

The advantages of the decorator pattern are:
- Decorators can be chained to add multiple behaviors
- Very flexible reuse of code
- Can be runtime decision (unlike inheritance)
- Avoids huge inheritance trees
Let's look at how to create a decorator for any OutputStream using FilterOutputStream.

The out attribute of the FilterOutputStream is a reference to the OutputStream that the class is decoratoring. This attribute is initialized by the constructor of FilterOutputStream. The default implementations of the FilterOutputStream methods just forward their call exactly to its out attribute.
We'll create a decorator named DebugOutputStream that traces the method calls on an OutputStream. First lets look at the beginning of its definition:
public class DebugOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream { private String name; public DebugOutputStream(String name, OutputStream out) { super(out); = name; }
The name parameter is used to label the output of this particular DebugOutputStream (useful if there is more than one). The out parameter is passed up to the FilterOutputStream and is used to initialize it's protected out attribute.
Let's look at what the close method of DebugOutputStream:
public void close() throws IOException { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder( "DebugOutputStream(" + name + "): called void close()"); try { out.close(); // Call to decorated object } catch( IOException e) { msg.append( " Exception: " + e + " thrown"); throw e; } catch( RuntimeException e) { msg.append( " Exception: " + e + " thrown"); throw e; } finally { System.out.println( msg); } }Most of the code is composing a message to print out information about the call to close on the decorated object (i.e., referenced in the out attribute).
Here's an example of using the DebugOutputStream to spy on how GZIPOutputStream works.
InputStream input = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( args[0])); OutputStream output = new DebugOutputStream( "GZIPOutputStream", new GZIPOutputStream( new DebugOutputStream( "FileOutputStream", new FileOutputStream( args[1])))); byte [] buffer = new byte[4096]; int numRead; while( (numRead = > 0) { output.write( buffer, 0, numRead); } input.close(); output.close();
Note that the BufferedInputStream is acting as a decorator to the FileInputStream. Two DebugOutputStreams are used to trace themethod calls at two places. The first one (given the name "GZIPOutputStream") will trace the calls made to the GZIPOutputStream. The second one will trace the calls made to the FileOutputStream.
The output of this program on a sample input file is:
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void write( byte []) (10 bytes)
DebugOutputStream(GZIPOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 4096)
DebugOutputStream(GZIPOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 4096)
DebugOutputStream(GZIPOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 4096)
DebugOutputStream(GZIPOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 4096)
DebugOutputStream(GZIPOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 4096)
DebugOutputStream(GZIPOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 4096)
DebugOutputStream(GZIPOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 4096)
DebugOutputStream(GZIPOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 4096)
DebugOutputStream(GZIPOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 3424)
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 512)
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 512)
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 512)
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 512)
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 512)
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 512)
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 512)
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 512)
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 512)
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 512)
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 512)
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 512)
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 512)
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 512)
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 512)
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 512)
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 512)
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void write(byte [], 0, 253)
DebugOutputStream(FileOutputStream): called void close()
DebugOutputStream(GZIPOutputStream): called void close()
From this we can see that first a 10 byte header is written out to the file, then we see the data is being given to the GZIPOutputStream in 4096 byte chunks. But the GZIPOutputStream is not writing the data out immediately. Only after all the data from the input file has been exhausted is the compressed data written out to the file and in 512 byte chunks. For a bigger input file, compressed data would have been written out before the end. GZIPOutputStream has some internal cache that is written out when it fills up or the stream is closed. The latter is happening here.
I also used this same technique to help with layout problems with Swing panels. One can create a JComponent or JPanel decorator that prints out how the methods used by LayoutManagers (like getSize(), getPreferredSize(), etc.) to see how the LayoutManager is interrogating your class to lay it out.
Next, let's look at another use of a decorator to add a more practical enhancement to an input/output stream, encryption. I am not an expert on cryptology at all, so please don't use this code for any information you really need to secure! To encrypt data, I exclusive OR the data with a sequence of pseudo-random bytes as a mask. I then use the fact that:
(x ^ mask) ^ mask == xto decrypt the data (^ is the exclusive OR operator in Java, C and C++). By exclusive OR'ing the encrypted data with the same sequence of pseudo-random bytes I will get the original data back.
The abstract EncryptingOutputStream class extends FilterOutputStream and overrides the write(int) and write( byte [], int, int) methods. The write( byte []) method calls write( byte[], int, int) so I don't need to override it. An abstract method void encrypt( byte []) is defined that must be overridden to do the actual encryption of the data. (This is an example of the Template Method pattern.)
Similarly, there is an abstract DecryptingInputStream class that extends FilterInputStream and overrides the int read() and int read( byte [], int, int) methods. It defines an abstract method void decrypt( byte [], int, int) that must decrypt the data in the specified section of the array passed to it.
Concrete classes named XOREncryptingOutputStream and XORDecryptingInputStream are defined that define the appropriate abstract methods. Both classes are passed a key to their constructors. This key is used as a seed to a random number generator. If the key is the same, the same pseudo-random numbers will be generated to encrypt/decrypt the data.
As an example, putting all this together I compressed then encrypted (with the key 1234567890) a web page and put it on my web site at Let's look at how to use the classes discussed here to read the web page. We need to create a chain of InputStreams that read the web page, decrypt it and then uncompress it. We can do that with the following code:
new GZIPInputStream( new XORDecryptingInputStream( new URL(url).openStream(), key)));The url variable is string containing "" Then we only need to read from the GZIPInputStream as we would any InputStream. Here's a sequence diagram showing what happens as data is read:

To download and display the web page type:
java test.DecryptingBrowser 1234567890
An important point to realize is the InputStream reading the data from the web server knows nothing about compression or encryption. However, we have dynamically added these capabilities by chaining it to together with decorators that add these capabilities. This is the power of the decorator pattern.
I originally developed this example back in 1998 when I was teaching Java. This was in the Java 1.2 days. In creating this presentation, I discovered that Java 1.4 added encryption streams, javax.crypto.CipherInputStream and javax.crypto.CipherOutputStream. They both use a javax.crypto.Cipher object to do the encryption and decryption. This is yet another pattern, the Strategy pattern.
The full example code of the classes described here can be found here.
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